Planetary resource Plasmoids of New Eden in EVE Echoes


Plasmoids placed on 3408 planets. Production output from 0.55 to 3.05 in one mining array per hour. Market global price: buy 3036 ISK, sell: 3600 ISK - updated today.

Profit from selling planetary resource Plasmoids per hour from one mining array on most richnest planet: 9260 ISK, but with maximum skill Planetology (14 mining arrays) profit may be to 21779050 ISK per week!

  1. Most richness planets
  2. Calculation of ISK Profit
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Most Richness planets of planetary resourse Plasmoids

Region Constell. Sol.Syst Efficiency
Cache 5HN-S5 B-T6BT [-0.9] 3.05/hour
9259.80 ISK
Insmother N-LY4R TTP-2B [-0.9] 2.92/hour
8865.12 ISK
Omist RL36-K 7L9-ZC [-1.0] 2.90/hour
8804.40 ISK
Branch E-312G 5LJ-MD [-0.7] 2.86/hour
8682.96 ISK
Tenerifis W-3E44 JV1V-O [-1.0] 2.86/hour
8682.96 ISK
Feythabolis 3-PC31 K-9UG4 [-1.0] 2.83/hour
8591.88 ISK
Branch Q5KW-Z 1G-MJE [-0.8] 2.74/hour
8318.64 ISK
Great Wildlands HRJG-D V-IH6B [-1.0] 2.73/hour
8288.28 ISK
Detorid ZPI-2E 0-G8NO [-0.7] 2.71/hour
8227.56 ISK
Wicked Creek R-M719 5H-SM2 [-0.7] 2.69/hour
8166.84 ISK
* This table contains only most richness planets of Plasmoids planetary production. Table contain 10 of 3408 planets with tsis resource.

Calculation of ISK Profit in EVE Echoes from production planetary resourse Plasmoids

Start params take values from most richness planet!
Selected resoursePlasmoids
Production per hour
Lowest sell
Highest buy
Broker's Fee
Transaction Tax
Mining Arrays
Days of production

Profit from planetary mining

  • Production: 3.05perhrs * 1burs * 24hrs = 73.2
  • Selling with market Order: 200275 ISK
  • Selling NOW: 186678 ISK
Most profit will be if you sell resource now
Show all Planetary resources