Planetary resource Precious Alloy of New Eden in EVE Echoes

Precious Alloy

Precious Alloy placed on 3056 planets. Production output from 9.92 to 42.66 in one mining array per hour. Market global price: buy 255 ISK, sell: 297 ISK - updated today.

Profit from selling planetary resource Precious Alloy per hour from one mining array on most richnest planet: 10878 ISK, but with maximum skill Planetology (14 mining arrays) profit may be to 25585762 ISK per week!

  1. Most richness planets
  2. Calculation of ISK Profit
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Most Richness planets of planetary resourse Precious Alloy

Region Constell. Sol.Syst Efficiency
Feythabolis 3-PC31 D4-2XN [-1.0] 42.66/hour
10878.30 ISK
Delve YX-LYK MJXW-P [-0.9] 42.40/hour
10812.00 ISK
Period Basis OY3-DM Z-M5A1 [-0.9] 41.99/hour
10707.45 ISK
Vale of the Silent F-V9QW Y-ZXIO [-0.9] 41.41/hour
10559.55 ISK
Paragon Soul D9DM-O O-N589 [-0.9] 41.33/hour
10539.15 ISK
Fountain Basilisk Y-2ANO [-1.0] 40.38/hour
10296.90 ISK
Feythabolis 3-PC31 KJ-V0P [-0.9] 40.34/hour
10286.70 ISK
Delve O-EIMK N-8YET [-0.9] 40.24/hour
10261.20 ISK
Tenerifis W-3E44 M-RPN3 [-0.9] 40.21/hour
10253.55 ISK
Detorid ZPI-2E HZFJ-M [-0.7] 40.12/hour
10230.60 ISK
* This table contains only most richness planets of Precious Alloy planetary production. Table contain 10 of 3056 planets with tsis resource.

Calculation of ISK Profit in EVE Echoes from production planetary resourse Precious Alloy

Start params take values from most richness planet!
Selected resoursePrecious Alloy
Production per hour
Lowest sell
Highest buy
Broker's Fee
Transaction Tax
Mining Arrays
Days of production

Profit from planetary mining

  • Production: 42.66perhrs * 1burs * 24hrs = 1023.84
  • Selling with market Order: 231101 ISK
  • Selling NOW: 219307 ISK
Most profit will be if you sell resource now
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